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Standards Raised.

The CRI Profile is a cybersecurity framework developed by and for the financial sector based on globally recognized standards. It connects the dots between cyber best practices and expectations from all over the world.

Enhancing Cyber Security and Resiliency
Through Standardization

The Cyber Risk Institute (CRI) is a not-for-profit coalition of financial institutions and trade associations working to protect the global economy by enhancing cybersecurity through standardization. Through consensus among the financial sector ecosystem, we developed a free tool—called the CRI Profile—and related guidance to help firms better manage cyber compliance programs.

Learn more about CRI


“Supervised financial institutions may also consider use of industry developed resources, such as the Cyber Risk Institute’s (CRI) Cyber Profile, and the Center for Internet Security Critical Security Controls…. While the FFIEC does not endorse any particular tool, these standardized tools can assist financial institutions in their self-assessment activities.”

Federal Financial Institutions Examination Council

A Better Tool for Compliance

Produced through industry consensus, the Profile is a consolidated approach to assess cybersecurity, resiliency, and efficacy.

What makes the Profile different from other frameworks is that CRI seeks regulatory feedback to ensure more complete mappings, thus increasing its acceptance.
Download the Profile

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Help shape the future of cyber security and resilience.


systemic and third-party risk with our innovative cybersecurity tools.


your cyber talent’s time so they can focus on risk identification, analysis, and frontline defense.


in a growing, global movement to help shape the future of cybersecurity in the financial sector.


the free online Profile to get out of the land of spreadsheets.

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