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CRI Profile v2.0
The CRI Profile is based on the National Institute of Standards and Technology’s (NIST) “Framework for Improving Critical Infrastructure Cybersecurity.” The Profile is an efficient approach to cybersecurity risk management that effectively counters the dynamic, evolving threat and provides adequate assurance to government supervisors.

The CRI Profile Guidebook provides assistance with implementing the Profile.
The Profile User Guide offers an overview of the Profile and its benefits.
Determine which of the Profile’s 318 Diagnostic Statements apply to your organization.

This provides a mapping between the CRI Profile version 2.0 and the NIST Cybersecurity Framework version 2.0 in the NIST Online Informative References Program (OLIR).
DOWNLOAD FILECRI’s Cloud Profile is an extension of the CRI Profile developed through collaboration with the Cloud Service Providers themselves. It provides actionable cloud security guidance for firms looking to implement or strengthen existing cloud technologies and operations.
The new-and-improved Cloud Profile v2.0 has been updated to reflect NIST CSF v2.0 and Profile v2.0, include a shared responsibility checklist and implementation tool, and a guidebook with examples of effective evidence. These documents were developed with the assistance of the Financial Services Sector Coordinating Council (FSSCC), the Cloud Security Alliance, key partners from the UK and EU, and CSPs.
The Cloud Profile was released by CRI at a U.S. Treasury press conference with the Office of the Comptroller of the Currency (OCC) and the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau (CFPB) and the Financial Services Sector Coordinating Council (FSSCC) in July 2024 to “serve as a common tool developed for effective practices in secure cloud implementation” for the sector. The CRI Cloud Profile (v2.0), which now includes a helpful checklist and implementation tool, and Cloud Profile Guidebook provide a suite of tools to make it easier for financial institutions and cloud service providers (CSPs) to protect the financial ecosystem in many ways.
These include:
- Developing a mutual understanding of expectations between financial institutions and CSPs, and even control owners and cloud implementers within the same firm
- Helping all parties speak the same language
- Simplifying regulatory engagements, setting a baseline understanding of requirements and responsibilities between financial institution and CSPs
- Standardizing contractual terms and language, leading to efficiencies
- Highlighting key deployments for targeted analysis for cloud launch
- Addressing the full life cycle of the CSP and customer relationship

The CRI Cloud Profile Guidebook provides assistance with implementing the Profile.
DOWNLOAD FILECRI Profile v2.0 is now in Japanese thanks to CRI Innovator, NRI Secure Technologies, who completed the translation for CRI. This will help financial institutions in Japan more fully leverage the benefits provided by a streamlined self-assessment that maps to Japanese guidelines.
CRI InnovatorのNRIセキュアテクノロジーズの協力を得て、CRI Profile v2.0の日本語版が完成しました。これにより、日本の金融機関は、日本語版のガイドラインに基づき、より効率的に自己評価できるようになります。

The CRI Profile Guidebook provides assistance with implementing the Profile.
Determine which of the Profile’s 318 Diagnostic Statements apply to your organization.
The Profile is a framework.
- A cyber risk assessment made for and by the financial sector
- Based on the NIST Cybersecurity Framework
- Extended for the financial industry to address the focus of regulators on important governance and third-party issues
- Harmonizes 2,500+ regulatory expectations into 318 control objectives, called diagnostic statements
- Regularly updated to reflect the evolving cybersecurity regulatory landscape
- Receives global recognition from regulators and industry bodies
- Gives financial institutions one simple framework to rely on
- Provides regulators with a consistent and widely understood framework
Reduction in questions for those firms qualifying as an Impact Tier 4 firm as compared to another widely used assessment
Reduction in questions for those firms qualifying as an Impact Tier 1 firm as compared to another widely used assessment
The Profile scales to a firm’s impact on the global economy.
- Only nine questions to determine impact tier
- Fewer, more tailored assessment questions
- Based on systemic impact—not asset size
- Subsequent tier review provides roadmap for advanced security
Reduction in questions for those firms qualifying as an Impact Tier 4 firm as compared to another widely used assessment
Reduction in questions for those firms qualifying as an Impact Tier 1 firm as compared to another widely used assessment
Expand for more detail on how the Profile works.

Industry-Wide Harmony.
The Profile improves cybersecurity across the entire sector.

Enabling institutions to focus on what matters most.
- More time for frontline defense
- More consistent regulation mapping for policies and procedures
- Better organization of complex risk management
- Improved internal progress tracking
- Better board engagement, prioritization, and funding
- Streamlined due diligence for third parties and M&A

- Improves assurance to regulators that firms are following leading practices
- Improves evidence gathering in examinations by having a well-organized framework

- Provides a commonly understood framework for third-parties and vendors
- As a vendor, fill out once and report out to many financial institutions
- Speak the same language as your customers
Still have questions?

Cybersecurity is rapidly evolving.
Built and maintained by Axio, CRI members have access to its CRI Profile SaaS offering for free. This enables CRI members to move out of spreadsheets and use an online tool for free to streamline the assessment and data gathering process.
CRI is also engaging other Governance, Risk and Compliance companies
to further build out the Profile’s availability.