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Mark Bruns

Chief Information Security Officer, FirstBank

As the Chief Information Security Officer, Mark Bruns built the first InfoSec organization for FirstBank and has seen it grow from $2B to $12B in assets over the last five years. With the bank’s growth and maturity, Bruns has shaped InfoSec into different areas of responsibility including compliance, audit, regulatory, and cyber. Additionally, he oversees third-party risk management (TPRM) and is guiding this group through a similar maturity process to accommodate the Bank’s growth.

With these areas of responsibility, Bruns regularly engages with legal and is the primary InfoSec and TPRM liaison with all regulatory agencies.  He frequently presents to the full board of directors at FB Financial, including a quarterly presentation to the risk committee.

Prior to joining FirstBank, Bruns worked for Deloitte performing NIST (National Institute of Standards and Technology) assessments and advising on InfoSec strategy, organization, and value partnerships. Prior to FirsBank, he was responsible for the overall infrastructure of organizations in defense, aerospace, healthcare, manufacturing, and software development industries.

He is a founding and current Board member of the Nashville Chapter of the Cloud Security Alliance (CSA), serves on various peer group advisory boards, and is a key member of the FirstBank effort in developing blockchain applications for financial services through the USDF Consortium.