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CRI Master Class – Implementing the Profile

The CRI Master Class sessions are dedicated to providing actionable insights into how to move to and utilize the Profile most effectively. Participants will learn from the experiences of others in the field. This session will explore one mid-sized financial institution’s experience with implementing the Profile, including successes and challenges encountered along the way. This … Continued

Finance and Operations Committee

< Supporting CRI in evaluating the Organization’s activity opportunities, such as tool development, alliance partnerships, and potential accreditation of third-party assessors, and the financial implications thereof, this is the Finance and Operations Committee’s standing monthly meeting.

US Standards Subcommittee

Supporting CRI’s “Educate” and “Integrate” focus areas by prioritizing regulatory regimes within the US and globally for inclusion, this is the Committee’s standing monthly meeting for such discussions. Committee Members Only.

Global Standards Subcommittee

Supporting CRI’s “Educate” and “Integrate” focus areas by prioritizing regulatory regimes within the US and globally for inclusion, this is the Committee’s standing monthly meeting for such discussions. Committee Members Only